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3000 Join The Kick Start Fat Loss Sugar Free September Challenge

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Have You Got a Sugar Problem- (1)

Press Release
For immediate release [1/09/2014]

Are you ready for #SugarFreeSeptember  ​?

​ ​

Kick Start Fat Loss Director Rachel Holmes has launched
the Sugar Free September Challenge over social media
and has over 3000 people in the UK joining in.

“My mission is ​to ​make everyone aware how addictive
​sugar is and how many foods & drinks we deem to be healthy that
are laden with sugar, keeping us locked down into craving more and more”

says Rachel Holmes(44) Nottingham

The challenge includes eating the Kick Start Fat Loss
Elimination Diet, daily 10minute workouts, Mind Set coaching and daily
affirmations plus tons of coaching & support from Rachel
& the Kick Start Fat Loss team on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest ​.​

“Social media enables KSFL Coaches to work with 1000’s of people & spread
the most up to date nutritional information. It’s wonderful to be able
to help so many people smash the sugar habit this way ​,​” ​s​ays Rachel​,​ ​who set up and created Kick Start Fat Loss in 2007.


So, what are Rachel’s Top Tips to smashing the sugar habit.

1:  Don’t add it to foods

This is the easiest and most basic way to immediately
reduce the amount of sugar you’re eating.
Biggest targets:  coffee and tea.

2: Don’t be fooled by “healthy sugar” disguises

Brown sugar, turbinado sugar, raw sugar,
agave nectar, stevia & sweetmers….
it’s all pretty much the same thing as far as
your body is concerned.

3: Reduce or eliminate
processed carbohydrates

Most processed carbs — breads, biscuits, pastas
& snacks, are loaded with flour & other ingredients that
convert to sugar in the body almost as fast as pure glucose.

That sugar gets stored as triglycerides,
which is a way of saying fat.

5:  Watch out for “fat-free” “low fat”

One of the biggest myths is that if a food
is fat-free/low-fat it doesn’t make you fat.

Fat-free doesn’t mean calorie-free,
& all fat-free snacks are loaded with sugar​, ​
​k​eeping you locked into sugar addiction.

6:  Become a food detective

To reduce sugar,you have to know where it is.
Start reading labels.

7:  Beware of artificial sweeteners

They can increase cravings
for sugar & also deplete the body’s stores
of chromium, a
nutrient crucial for blood-sugar metabolism.

8:  Do the maths

Look at the label where it says “total sugars” & divide
the number of grams by four.

That’s the number of teaspoons of sugar you are

This exercise alone should scare you to death.

9: Limit fruit

Fruit has sugar, but it also has fib ​re & good nutrients.
Just don’t overdo it.
Go for veggies as much as possible.

For fat-loss purposes, keep it to 1 or 2 small servings a day
& try to make most of them low-glycemic (grapefruit, apples, berries).

10: Eliminate fruit juice   

It’s a pure sugar hit with none of the fib​re  and
less of the nutrients that are found in the fruit.

Everyone is welcome to join in #sugarfreeseptember and once

signed up you receive daily workouts, meal planners, audio motivationsn & recipe ideas.


Would you like to join the #SUGARFREESEPTEMBER
Challenge? Click here to join 

Check out Facebook.com/KickStartFatLoss

Plus Kick Start Fat Loss Clubs running Sugar Free September  around the UK in

Kent, London, Banbury, Nottingham, Leeds, Lowestoft


Contact Name  Rachel L Holmes
Website              KickStartFatLoss.net
Contact Number 07976 268672
Available for interview

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