3 WEEKEND Damage Limitation Tips
The weekend can play havoc with your KSFL eating
How many times do you eat and workout brilliantly
Monday through Friday then the weekend hits
& you kind of crash and burn?
Yep. We have all been there.
And of course, 2 days of eating whatever is around
can easily set you straight back to
where you started from.
Which…frankly is a pain.
But with a bit of careful planning you can hold it together
no problem.
Here are my 3 TOP Weekend Damage limitation tips.
1: Workout.
Do a HIIT first thing. Then whatever the
weekend throws your way you have a workout in the bag.
2: Are you going out?
Remember ALL booze is sugar
& will stop your body burning fat so DRIVE or drink
a: Triple distilled Vodka or Gin – Could you drink it with
soda and a slice of lemon?
The mixers are always high in sugar
so go easy.
3: Be BUFFET Aware
Buffets can be a fatburning NIGHTMARE.
Constant picking & not realising how much you have eaten.
Buffets are usually made up of high
sugar/carby/beige dead food therefore……
a: Eat before you go out.
b: Stick to salad, meats & veggies
If you do fall spectacularly of the wagon
then tomorrow is another
Accept it.
Learn from it – what was the trigger?
Move on without beating yourself up.
It’s all cool.
You know I love affirmations and setting
a positive tone for the day.
Write this mantra on your phone screen saver
and keep it in mind throughout today 🙂
It’s from the book a
A Year Of Miracles by Marianne Williamson
“I will walk my own path today”
Stay strong and committed to you
health, body, mind & wellbeing.
Be kind to yourself
& look after yourself this weekend.
Have a fantastic time.
Love Rachel xxx
Tweet me I always love to hear from you
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Grab a Copy of the Kick Start Fat Loss Home Workout DVD 2
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