As it’s half term I thought I’d send you over a few lovely breakfast ideas
for the family.
As a nation of cereal and toast eaters many people assume that
certain cereals that are marketed as “healthy” provide a good start to the day.
In reality they are the worst :-c
ALL cereals send insulin & cortisol (the fat storing hormones ) soaring and keep you locked down
into constantly craving more high carbohydrate and sugary foods throughout the day.
NOT even Shredded Wheat and most definitely NOT Special K.
They are loaded with gluten, wheat, sugar & flavourings
which is a nightmare for health, well being & weight management.
The recipes below are perfectly suitable for the whole family
** including
the kids **
If you are following a KS detox plan then my
favourite go to breakfasts for peak performance
is Avocado, Salmon cooked in coconut oil
and drizzled with virgin oil.
This will keep you satisfied for hours and hours,
balance your blood sugars and turn your body into a fat burning machine.
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