Today we posed the question… What do you eat for breakfast?…Welcoming the Wellness Stars!
The KSFL Franchisees have clubs throughout the UK and are full of nutritional knowledge… so we thought… let’s SHARE this knowledge!
Sindy Matthews KSFL Banbury
Always kick off the day with a protein rich breakfast and tonnes of greens of a veggie juice. My ideal breakfast is Greens drink as I’m on the run or a stir fry if I have more time!
Helen Barness KSFL Grays
I have a green smoothie with spinach, avocado, cucumber, coconut oil, flaxseed, courgette and broccoli stems. I make it the night before juice then blitz it so I have a nutritious power drink to start my day easily digestible so I absorb the nutrients quickly and easily into my body ready for my workout. Sometimes I have it straight after if working out very early morning. I want all the food I put into my body to have a really positive effect and it you start the day well you should find it easier to stay on track for the rest of the day.
Kelly Reed-Banks KSFL Cambridge
I can not function without breakfast! Always been the case, years ago I was always a cereal & yogurt kinda gal, never understood why I was always starving again around 10am until I started KSFL, now I’m a left over kinda gal from whatever I have eaten the night before, I make extra to have for breakie! I love it, so easy & keeps me full till lunch!
Chris Tuck KSFL West Wickham
I love an egg wrap in the morning. I spread avocado or coconut oil on it followed by a layer of spinach and then either chicken salmon or turkey.
I find this is very filling and sees me through to my next meal, gives me the energy I need to do the school run, walk the dog, teach a class or two and complete my admin.
My top tip get out for a walk or sit out in the fresh air and just be. Listen to the birds and feel the weather on your face!
Andrea Riddoch KSFL Leeds
Has to be eggs- from my girls. 2 boiled eggs with a blob of butter in each and sliced avocado. Sets me up for the day, keeps me full for hours and fires up my brain!
Danni Evans KSFL Ellesmere
I have a coffee on waking with Kick Start Coconut oil in, I then teach and train so my meal 1 is always after training… Can’t train on food, so I’m sitting down now to left over chilli, 2 egg omelette and normally broccoli/asparagus/spinach but haven’t got any in fridge so I’ve got a shot of greens drink.
Kelly Ravenscroft KSFL Sutton Coldfield
Smoothie for me, spinach, avocado, cucumber, coconut oil and almond milk! I also have been known to eat left over beef madras (clean of course) from the night before!
Paula Thompson KSFL Stockport
I have an intolerance to eggs and I MISS them soooo much. I will have soup, leftovers from the night before, gluten free porridge with seeds, cinnamon, sometimes blueberries in it (try and vary it). I try and rotate my breakfasts as I can be very boring sometimes.
Suzanne Richardson KSFL Kingswinford
I have leftovers, soup. this wk though as on detox I’ve loved bacon, scrambled eggs in coconut oil, mushrooms and tomatoes, missed it sooooooo much
Helen Pybus KSFL Lowestoft
2 teaspoons of organic elixir greens in water followed by 2 scrambled eggs in kerrygold butter. Greens, good fats and protein could not start my day any better with optimum nutrition and keeps the sugar monster at bay – perfect !
Liz Lane KSFL Maidenhead
Eggs, cherry tomatoes and avocado all lightly cooked in coconut oil with some spinach leaves on the side. Or a green smoothie if pushed for time. I teach most mornings and I need to eat before I teach.
Alice Milner KSFL Bath
Eggs!! I like em scrambled best! with a few veggies is good too though wink emoticon if I’m going for it – then a full on English KSFL styli. If I’m out and about usually take a few juices with me! Surprisingly a pea omelette travels pretty well! Others tend to fall about or end up a little too wet for my liking!!! Kedgeree is also a fav is I have the time and/or suitable leftovers in the fridge!
Also like clean pancakes – bit of a weekend number those too!!
Love bit of leftover curry – yes for breakfast!!
Jennifer Davidson KSFL Milton Keynes
I had a spinach omelette, plus mango,banana,cinnamon & ginger smoothie, mix with almond milk. J
Jay Banks KSFL Cambridge
I’m a steak and cashew kinda guy
Sarah Jane Walls KSFL Glasgow
My top tip is to get up before the rest of the house, do some stretches – can be Yoga based or not and a couple of min of breathing/meditation to set the interntions of the day. I love a spinach omelette in the morning or I have one of my pre made cold pressed green super juices to set me up for the day.
Margaret Cummins KSFL Longford
I had mixed berry and banana omlette with fruit tea today today, I usual have an egg based breakfast often with mushrooms tomatoes and spinach, occasionally pancakes or porridge
Nicola Carless KSFL Bromsgrove
I have breakfast casserole which is made of eggs, minced turkey meat, squash, spring onion and other veg that I may have in such as peppers or mushrooms for example. I add spices to it to add some flavour. It keeps me full for hours which is great as most days I am out early teaching classes and seeing PT clients until mid afternoon… keeps me going until I get home around 3pm for my main dinner grin emoticon I make this at the beginning of the week and it gives me 4 good sized servings and on the other days of the week, I have a green smoothie containing spinach, courgette, apple, carrot and avocado mainly.
Heather Pring KSFL West Somerset
I love to eat for breakfast left over stirfry , it’s quick and easy and if I need extra I add some scrambled eggs , for me with 5 children to get out the door and separating sibling dramas it doesn’t matter how late I am running its there , I even have it cold if in a real rush !
Francesca Flin KSFL Orpington
My morning fave on the run, It keeps me going til I have time for something more substantial later!
Lisa Lockwood KSFL Lowestoft
Banana and egg pancakes with a few blueberries. It’s my favourite breakfast.
Sallie Anne Sadles KSFL Norwich
smoothie from veggie book.. cashew nuts, hazelnut milk, a few dried apricots.
Here is what my online group say they have for breakfast:
I love poached eggs and smoked salmon!! ( with some spinach on the side) I love it as its so quick to do, fills me up and seems pretty decadent!!!!
When I’m allowed it a Banana omelette is a firm favourite!
It’s got to be my green smoothie. Spinach avocado ginger cucumber celery loads of coconut oil it never fails to do the job !
Banana omelette with cinnamon .
Green smoothie with spinach avocado coconut oil & water. If not on detox I add a pear!
Poached eggs with courgette pancakes or banana pancakes with bacon.
Thanks everyone for sharing your favourite go-to KSFL breakfasts!
For more breakfast ideas/ recipes take a look at our selection of recipe books HERE
To find out more about becoming a Franchisee and gaining your nutrition qualification take a look HERE
Pick up our Kick Start Coconut Oil for cooking your breakfasts HERE
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