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Banish those desk job blues with these 5 tips

Home » MOTIVATION & SELF LOVE » Banish those desk job blues with these 5 tips

It is Summer and whilst that means holidays for some it can mean carrying on as normal for a lot of people! Do you have a job which means you are sitting at a desk for hours on end staring at a screen? It can be quite disheartening right?!


Well here are my top tips to banish those blues and still enjoy the Summer!

  1. TAKE BREAKS- Whether it be just standing up to wiggle your toes or going for a little walk, it is important to get the blood flowing to increase your energy and alertness… and make you feel a whole lot better!
  2. DRINK DRINK DRINK- Have plenty of water with you so that you can stay hydrated. The more dehydrated you get the grumpier you will be, plus when it is hot you should be drinking far more.
  3. FOOD PREP- Take healthy snacks to banish those cravings and fuel your brain such as avocado salads or juices!
  4. WAKE UP!- Try and wake up a little earlier… this can be a tough one… but if you start the day right it will set the tone for the rest of your day. Getting up earlier means you can take your time and relax, maybe even fit in a 10 minute HIIT workout with Rachel or listen to her morning motivational.
  5. SHUT OFF- When you have finished work YOU HAVE FINISHED! Enjoy and make the most of the lighter evenings. Plan something to look forward to or simply relax with a 10 minute meditation.

I hope this has helped you today! Let me know how you are getting on with your KSFL plan and join in with my morning motivational Q&A’s HERE


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