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6 foods for gut health

Home » Health Awareness » 6 foods for gut health

Gut health is so important and the key is GOOD FOOD. Processed and sugary foods cause inflammation and disrupt your gut health and once these are cut out and replaced with home made KSFL food the changes are incredible.

Your food is full of bacteria which helps digestion, metabolism and immunity, even affecting your mood, this delicate balance needs to be protected and looked after with nutrient rich food.


When you eat these gut friendly foods your energy will increase and you will feel a general sense of wellbeing. So try adding these 6 wonderful foods into your diet and let us know how you feel:
1. Garlic- This bacteria combatting wonder is also a great way to jazz up your meals.


2. Radishes- Radishes contain good bacteria to help digestion.


3. Leeks – These provide a whack of digestive enzymes!


4. Asparagus- Rich in inulin this veg has multiple nutrients that help the gut wall.


5. Carrots- These are full of a powerful natural pre biotic and easy to add to any meal.


6. Turmeric- This is an inflammation fighting spice that helps heal the gut and improve brain function.


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