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Keeley’s Kick Start Lift Lean Story and how it relieved the effects of HRT

Home » Results » Keeley’s Kick Start Lift Lean Story and how it relieved the effects of HRT

“I joined the latest Lift Lean programme straight after my summer holiday, so it was a great programme for me to jump onto to get back on track. Prior to that 2 months earlier I started taking HRT, I had been backwards and forwards at the doctors for the last 3 years having blood tests, scans, trying different tablets, suffering with hot flushes, irritability, mood swings, no periods, you name it I had it ! The Drs kept telling me I was peri-menopausal at the age of 41 (I’m now 44 and my mum and her sister didn’t hit menopause until they were early 50’s).

This early menopause upset me greatly, it was a hard pill to swallow basically being told your fertility button has been switched off. Finally they sent me to the menopause clinic to confirm that apparently yes I am ‘in my menopause state’. So started taking the HRT, immediately felt bloated, swollen and heavy !!! I was told this would settle down but they always tell you that, I have always worked out and tried to keep myself fit and healthy so I hated this initial effect from the HRT. However I had to kind of suck it and see for the 3 months so coming back off holiday I jumped straight into the lift lean programme.

Normally I would have maybe done 2/3 fitness classes a week perhaps HiiT, kettlebells and LBT plus 1 yoga class. So I ditched the classes and stuck with lift lean plus my yoga class. I have loved Lift lean, the variation, the weights, using the bosu, medicine balls, kettle bells, Swiss ball and so on have all made the workouts really enjoyable. I’ve had my own space in the gym with all my equipment laid out and basically just ‘got on with it’.

I now feel much fitter, toned, healthier and the bloated tummy and swollen boobs has now gone. I definitely feel stronger especially in my upper body which I probably had neglected a little due to a broken collarbone injury that still irritates me at times. I have increased my weights with the kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells and used the tighter mini bands so I know that I had progressed. I haven’t missed doing cardio as I feel I raised my heart beat enough doing these workouts and I definitely did sweat lots ! For me it changed the boredom of the normal gym routine that I would have probably done week in week out so I now have an array of new workouts to take with me this month. Plus I have lots of ideas for when I go on holiday and I can take my mini bands with me.”



Thanks for sharing your story with us Keeley 

Our next LIFT LEAN programme with Rachel Holmes starts after half term- 23rd October
Kick Start Lift Lean and Mobility
+28 NEW Workouts including Active Fitness Pilates and Mobility Workouts.+ Will need all the usual equipment plus a foam roller. Booking details coming soon!

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