At the studio Michelle offers Pilates based community classes, stretch & rehabilitation through to hard & fast calorie crunching, there truly is something for everyone. Proud to be recognised as specialists in low impact exercise you have the confidence your personal needs & goals will be met by the brilliant team of instructors.Classes include: Pilates Stretch, Pilates, Power Pilates, Fitness Yoga, PiYO Stretch & Release Me, Kick Start Fat Loss and Personal Training.
Michelle has had her own battles as a Mum and shares this to help others:
February 2017 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Juno. I won’t lie I don’t do pretty pregnancy…
The weight gain recommendation for an average pregnancy; double it and then you are a little closer. Though let me add I had a great pregnancy, the usual nauseous but I was still running my studio, able to participate in regular exercise. After a quick drug free labour and delivery Juno arrived, she has been a text book baby, latched straight away, a happy content little social butterfly.
Then there was me, I looked at myself thinking ‘what has happened’, such excessive weight gain, stretch marks, excess breast tissue under one armpit that leaks milk (yes its true).
I love when people comment does Juno not sleep in her cot, can you not exercise when Juno a sleep. Truth is she sleeps on me, the first few months were nothing short of survival. Many would say don’t worry about the weight it will drop off you as your breast feeding. It didn’t!
I was simply exhausted I can’t possibly put anymore pressure on myself. Running a business, single mum to a teenage boy and newborn baby. I was so scared my energy levels would drop even more I couldn’t get my head around focusing on clean eating.
Then I changed my mindset & thought what if I start & do better then I anticipate? What if I start but don’t put too much pressure on, take the scenic route.
What happened? I’m 6 weeks in, 1 stone gone, just like that! Reflecting back; It wasn’t I didn’t have time to cook, Kick Start meals take the same time in many cases less, ok in our household we are dairy free so that’s ones thing not to have to take into account, it was the initial planning. Making sure I had food in & making sure I ate. If when I felt really tired I allowed myself something. As the weeks past the need for anything else has got less, the pounds are going & I’m back in the swing (and yes not religious, I’ve learnt my triggers, I’ve learnt what I can tolerate). Biggest achievement I’m controlling this monster called my mind! I’m starting to see my old body back, I’m feeling like me and that is helping my mind as much as my body. Progress is progress, here we go onto the next stone!
See some of her brilliant results:
On our recent visit to see Michelle Jermy, KSFL Thetford, we met a fantastic couple called Rachel and Johnnie who are a real inspiration. They are a busy couple balancing 4 children and a stressful job who felt they needed to make some changes for their health.
They ditched their old diets and started clean eating with KSFL and here is what they have to say about it:
My diet on the whole had always been ok, or so I thought. I would eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a sandwich and a bag of crisps for lunch, I would snack on loads of fruit during the day and have a meal in the evening usually mainly consisting of potatoes or pasta. I was getting fed up with my constant lack of energy every afternoon. I would feel so sluggish and would use chocolate to get me through. Some days, I felt that exhausted I would feel like taking a proper nap. I had also been experiencing a horrible bloated feeling in my tummy regularly. After meals, I would feel uncomfortable and sometimes even suffer a real cramping in my distended tummy.
I’ve always enjoyed exercising and keeping fit and although I had never attended any slimming clubs in the past, I would try and follow all the advice out there. For years, I’d buy the low fat versions of food believing I was actually doing myself and my family a favour, actually not realising how we were overdosing on the sugar content. If I felt hungry, I’d snack on a bowl of cereal thinking I was taking the healthy option.
I’m a busy stay at home mum with four children ranging in ages from 21, 19, 15 and 3 years old. Having a baby at the age of 43 was quite a big deal after such an enormous break!!
My husband Johnnie has a stressful job, owning and managing a busy manufacturing company, responsible for over 40 employees. He would start his day with a bowl of cereal and survive the rest of his working day on 10 or 12 cups of coffee and tea, each loaded with two spoonfuls of sugar, brought to him by his secretary at regular intervals. Each hot drink would be consumed with a biscuit or two – a recipe for disaster! After his evening meal, he would snack on something sweet, usually chocolate (and I would join him).
Six years previously, Johnnie signed up to the Lighter Life program in a desperate bid to lose weight. This diet consisted of powdered shakes, soups and the occasional snack bar. He lost six stone in a relatively short time but once he started to eat food again, he piled every pound back on – plus quite a few more!! It was a miserable time for him.
Michelle Jermy introduced us to KSFL. She is an inspirational lady and an amazing Yoga/Pilates instructor. I had been attending her classes at The Core Studio in my home town of Thetford, Norfolk. The Core Studio is a little piece of Heaven in a manic world. Michelle offers some fabulous classes for all abilities and she is incredibly passionate about helping others achieve their goals. Because of her positive outlook and the results I was achieving through attending her classes, I decided that Johnnie could also benefit enormously so I signed him up with some personal training sessions with her.
Although he was now exercising regularly, his weight wasn’t easily shifting. His diet needed specific attention and with us both now in our mid forties we are very aware of the fact that our health cannot be taken for granted. It was an area that needed addressing.
Michelle had spoken to us about KSFL and suggested that as a family we gave it a go. I was really keen to see if it would make any positive changes to the way I was feeling and if, in fact I could also shift the weight I was hanging on to around my middle. Although I’m not classed as overweight, I had begun to feel uncomfortable but had been putting it down to ‘middle aged spread’. I had almost accepted that it was there to stay!
We’ve now been on the plan for two months and we’re loving everything about it. I have lost half a stone and much of that is from around my tummy!! Johnnie had lost an incredible 19lbs. My bloated tummy cramps have disappeared completely and I’m feeling much more energised. I don’t suffer the dreadful drop in energy levels during the afternoons anymore. It’s also done wonders for my libido (dare I say it, lol)!!
I thought the hardest part of this new lifestyle would be cutting out the bread, pasta, potatoes etc. I thought ‘what on earth will we eat?’ However, I’ve been pleasantly surprised – I don’t miss these things at all and I feel so much better for cutting them out. I still have one coffee every day but I’ve switched to a really nice organic one, which I thoroughly enjoy. I didn’t realise the amount of hidden sugar we were consuming in our food. By eliminating it from our diet, it seems our taste buds really appreciate what we do eat now and I’m not craving chocolate like I once was.
For Johnnie, cutting out the caffeine created a few problems initially. He had a week of headaches and felt quite rough – he was a complete nightmare to live with during that time! It’s been more than worth it though, two months on and he doesn’t drink tea or coffee at all now.
I’ve incorporated KSFL into our family life quite easily, although my 15 year old son is still getting used to it. He hasn’t been too impressed with the lack of chocolate and snacks that were once available in abundance. I know he’ll thank me for it one day though.
Sticking to it when we’re socialising hasn’t created the problems I thought it might. Most restaurants now cater for gluten free customers and have some great choices on their menus. Most places are usually more than happy to swap potatoes and pasta for some extra veg. If I’m entertaining at home, I prepare a ‘clean’ meal as normal and our guests also seem to enjoy it.
My best friend in the kitchen nowadays is my spiraliser. It has given my veg a new lease of life and I often substitute pasta or rice for some delicious courgetti spaghetti or a blitzed cauliflower head is the best rice ever!!
Because we have seen such positive results in all areas of our life, we firmly believe that KSFL is the way to go and we would recommend it to anyone.
We’d like to thank Michelle for all her nurturing and for introducing us to this lifestyle. From listening to Michelle and Rachel Holmes, we have learnt so much – it all makes perfect sense.
We would like to say a big thank you to Rachel and Johnnie for sharing their story with us.
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