Read some of our brilliant results from the 7 day Spring Sprinter online with Rachel Holmes
In 7 days our group transformed their nutrition and learnt how to fit these changes into their lifestyle. Every day was a new workout to really boost their results too!
“2lbs lost 3/4 inch off waist and 1/2 inch off hips. They are my problem areas and where I hold the fat, so very pleased with that. Feel slimmer and energised. Going to follow it again this week.”
“Only 1cm off waist but feeling more in control.”
“Morning I’ve lost 4lbs 5inches. May have lost more if I wasn’t away at the weekend. I’m carrying on this week and hoping to drop some more!”
“Over 5lbs down and 6 inch loss. Pleased with that… Feel much better in myself and aim to continue with it 99% until Friday.”
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