Monday is here so fast………. Have you made a weight loss, fitness and wellbeing plan this week?
If you click the link above you will find a great Abs and Core Workout that you can do at home and a little further down a few inspiring recipes, especially if you have been getting a touch of “food fatigue” and want to mix things up with your food this week.
****My Number One******
1: Before you start cutting food groups out or doing anything drastic just stop snacking.
Plain and simple.
Eat 3 balanced meals, no snacking and after your last meal CLOSE THE KITCHEN and don’t go wandering back in mindlessly snacking and night time nibbling.
Do this for a week and I PROMISE YOU will lose weight.
We have become a nation of nonstop snackers and you don’t need to be.
Even if your snacks are “healthy” if you eat too many/much you will put on weight. You can be eating avocardos, nuts, cooking in coconut oil… all the fabulous “healthy” things but too much and it will take you over your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) which consistently and over time leads to weight gain.
Too many snacks = too many calories = equals weight gain.
Have a go this week and let me know how you get on.
I’m doing a Facebook Live later talking about how “Eating Healthy Food ” can still contribute to weight gain.
Online Elevate
The Elevate Online Weightloss and Wellbeing group are coming to the end of the first Reset and Refocus month and they have had some fabulous results. I am doing daily High-performance coaching in the group and this has been monumental in keeping everyone on track and focussed.
It really is about mindset and changing habits.
We all pretty much know what to eat, it’s putting in the motivation and focus and the daily coaching helps reinforce best practices and how to deal with emotional eating, stressful eating and hormonal changes throughout the month. I love to help you with strategies on how to deal with these changes and how they affect appetite, energy and emotional wellbeing.
With a choice of 3 x 7 minute daily workouts, we are seeing amazing body composition changes and a huge improvement in mental cognition.
October is Elevate LIFT LEAN MONTH Another 28 Lift Lean workouts with Weightloss and Wellbeing you can jump in for the next 4 or 8 weeks
Have a great Monday and if I can help you with your weight loss and wellbeing journey give me a shout!
Best Regards

Sandra “Stats. Loss of 0.9kgs this week. Total of 4.5 kgs (nearly 10lbs) since I started this journey in July. So pleased. Thank you Rachel Holmes”
I’ve lost another 2lbs and lost 6cm. Since starting on Elevate I’ve nearly lost a stone in weight and 25cm so so chuffed with myself. Thank you Team Elevate! ”
“Feeling much better for some time yesterday spent refocusing and planning. 2 x super sculpt + extra lift lean this morning! All about the weight loss this week for me ”
“Really pleased with my results over the last 5 weeks! Ive lost another inch in total off waist/hips but increased both arms by 1/2 in each! Very pleased with that 7.5 inches lost in total!”
“Im 10lbs down since the start and 8.5inches.
Really happy with this as I had prosecco, chocolate and (the best ever savoury) scone yesterday and so I know Im carrying a bit of bloat today!!!
My body always responds well to weight loss when I lift weights!”
“Starting as I mean to go on, 3 rounds of SuperSculpt. I could hardly move on the 3rd round.”
“Feeling really pleased today. One of my goals this week was to drop another 2lbs actually did 2.5. Don’t know about inches yet, update on Tuesday. Really enjoyed workouts this morning day 7 twice through & the total body once. Coconut flour pancakes for brunch, well it is Sunday!! Good luck with week 4 ladies ”
Emma“Back in the size 8 jeans ”
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