As you have done one of my Online programmes before I wanted to offer you a special deal on the final programme of the year.
ELEVATE NOVEMBER Supercharge starts 5th November BUT if you join this week you can an extra 2 weeks FREE so 6 WHOLE weeks to get the results you want for the 4 weeks fee.
It’s ONLY £67 for a fantastic 6 week programme. The group is buzzing and the results are fantastic.
Do you need a KICK START?
Has your eating been all over the place recently?
Have you been making poor food choices – despite KNOWING what to eat?
It’s time to TAKE ACTION and you know I can help you.
The daily coaching is priceless.

I teach you how to eat healthily and lose weight in the week, work on your daily habits and non-negotiables, mindset and motivation which gives you wiggle room at the weekend to enjoy additional food and drink without sabotaging your efforts, your progress, health or goals.
***Daily coaching in the Facebook group keeps you on track and I can serve you in a much deeper way, answering your questions and providing you with the best support and motivation. I can personalisethings for you and make this fit into your lifestyle.
*** Daily HOME workouts – I have found the sweet spot of a 7 minuteworkout using minimal equipment that can be repeated if necessary for a longer 14 minute workout plus a daily bonus workout is the perfect way to get phenomenal mental and physical results.
**** Daily nutritional video explaining what to eat, how to eat, how to fit it into a busy lifestyle, have a social life and work it in with family life.
This is KEY to long term success and sustainability.
Plus meal plans, cooking ideas, vegetarian and pescatarian options.
So much has changed in nutrition since I began Kick Start and I am constantly researching the best practices and evidence-based information delivered to you in an easy to follow and highly supportive way.
Every week will begin with:
* Weight, measure and stats.
*Goal setting and expectations for the week.
* Big picture thinking, health and wellbeing goals.
* Real-world weightloss goals and obtainable results.
*Plan for the week.
*Workout scheduling
*Your weekly social overview – Have you got social functions that week that we can factor in and help you with so you don’t sabotage your results.
Ready for Christmas
7 Day Super Charge Body Reset – Full Body Reshaping with weighs
7 Day Super Charge Lift Lean – Lift Lean Supercharged with weights
7 Day Super Charge Midsection Meltdown – Abs and Core
7 Day Super Charge Total Mind and Body and Fitness/ Weights and Cardio Daily plus Yoga and Pilates.
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