Kick Start Online Elevate
Starts Monday 7th January 2019.
You can join for the full 14 week programme or January 4 week Kick Start.
You may jump into Elevate as you want structure with your diet, health, fitness, improve your mindset and wellness but really quickly you will start smashing through mental barriers, improving your time management, productivity, positivity and efficiency.
Every day you have a choice of 2/3 15 minute home workouts and audios, a daily video nutritional protocol to follow and a FACEBOOK LIVE coaching sessions to Kick Start your day feeling motivated
I create an individualised and tailored programme using evidence-based nutrition principals.
Elevate Aims Are To Help You:
* Eat better, without dieting or feeling deprived.
* Reframe exercise.
* Ditch the food rules, dropping the faddy and conflicting advice.
* Build fitness into your life, without taking it over.
* Achieve, and maintain, your goals, even when life gets busy and stressful.
The result?
* Build physical strength and confidence in your body.
* Gain mental confidence,
* Let go of food confusion and obsession, learn what to do, how to do it.
CLICK HERE To BOOK for the full 14 weeks or the 4 week January Jumpstart.

Elevate is a game changer. It’s not a quick fix or a short-term solution but a way to eat healthily, lose weight, optimise your fitness levels, change your body composition and improve your mental cognition.
Learn the latest principles of eating for weight loss, health and wellness but still enjoying a social life, going out, eating in restaurants and not feeling deprived, hungry or shame around food.
YOU really can with the Elevate Personalised Nutrition and Health Plan this is my 33 years of training, educating, researching and working with thousands of women to create a sustainable results driven programme.
I teach you how to eat healthily and lose weight in the week, work on your daily habits and non-negotiables, mindset and motivation; which gives you wiggle room at the weekend to enjoy additional food and drink without sabotaging your efforts, your progress, health or goals.
What Makes Elevate Unique And Why Does It Work So Well?
• Daily coaching in the Facebook group keeps you on track and I can serve you in a much more personal way, answering your questions and providing you with the best support and motivation. I can personalise things for you and make this fit into your lifestyle.
On this programme I go LIVE every day with daily coaching to make sure you are supported and looked after with the best information
• 100% Of Elevate 2018 members all said the DAILY LIVE coaching is what keeps them motivated, on track and excited about the results they are seeing.
• Daily HOME workouts – Lift Lean, HIIT, Fitness Pilates, Freestyle Fitness Yoga, Meditation, Lower Body Workouts, Split Training, Kettlebells, Stability Ball, Bands, EMOM workouts, Midsection Meltdown, Brainfit, Stretch, Mobility, Pyramids, there is something different every day.
* Are you struggling with Peri/Menopause/Post menopausalsymptoms/Hot Flushes/Sleep deprivation/Hormonal Blanace/Gut health and digestive issues?
See your symptoms dramatically improve when you address diet, nutrition, sleep, food quality, food sensitivities, stress reduction and mindset.
So much has changed in nutrition since I began Kick Start and I am constantly researching the best practices and evidence-based information delivered to you in an easy to follow and highly supportive way.
The complete programme is 14 weeks taking you right up to Easter or just go for a 4-week option.
Each month has a different theme and focus.
You will be experiencing all of the different nutritional protocols and working out which one suits you personally.
*Carb cycling
*Calorie counting
*Intermittent fasting
It is all about understanding which one suits you and makes you THRIVE.
Every week will begin with:
• Weight, measure and stats.
• Goal setting and expectations for the week.
• Big picture thinking, health and wellbeing goals.
• Real-world weight loss goals and obtainable results.
• Plan for the week.
• Workout scheduling.
• Your weekly social overview – Have you got social functions that week that we can factor in and work it into your plan.
To see the amazing results of the current ELEVATE group check out Facebook and Instagram.
Any Questions? Message me on Facebook Messenger.
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