![]() Hi It’s To The Kick Start Wellness Newsletter![]() In the past, if you wanted to lose weight you would eat more healthily, or follow a plan or sign up to a group Live or Online. If you want to improve your fitness you would focus on moving more every day, join a gym, go to a class, take up running or hire a PT. If you want to improve your mindset, your mental cognition, your positivity, productivity and work on personal development you would read personal development books, listen to audios, go to therapy or hire a life coach. Just working on one area will get you so far. ++You may lose SOME weight but then start to self sabotage and not quite get to your ultimate goal. ++You may improve your fitness to a greater degree but not see the strength and body composition goals you REALLY want. So what is the answer? PUT ALL 3 components together and you WILL SKY ROCKET your results. Everything starts with a mindset shift. Before you start reducing food groups, or drastically cutting calories or embarking on a big fitness regime. Change your thinking. Identify your self limiting beliefs. What are the “stories” you keep telling yourself over and over again for decades.
“I am not…… clever enough, thin enough, fit enough, smart enough, on and on and on it goes.
You may have LOTS of SLB that keep coming up all day every day.
These SLB’s creep into our daily lives ALL the time. They stop us taking chances, going after big dreams, taking up new opportunities, sabotage our health efforts, distort our body image and self-confidence and hold us back day after day. But once you are aware of them. You can rewire your brain. Start deliberate thinking and stop default thinking. It’s just like training your muscles. You are training your mental muscles and it’s actually fun… when you hear your mind say “ You can’t do that your not thin/old/young/smart…(fill in the blank) enough You can laugh and say “Shut Up I am ALL OVER THIS” Change your thinking and your health goals all start to fall into place. You KNOW what to eat. You KNOW you need to exercise. Maybe its the mindset you need some help with? Happy Tuesday. Love Rachel
Join mY Next Online Elevate LIFT LEAN starting Monday 4th Feb we work on mindset every day. It’s £57 for 28 Days including daily coaching click here for details. ![]()
**Additional Newsletters You May be Interested In** C2GO Newsletter – Every Thursday for all Fitness Professionals or Aspiring Fitness Professionals. Add your email and get 10% Discount on Courses in 2019 Click here Fitness Pilates Newsletter – Every Sunday For ALL Pilates Trained Teachers and Aspiring Pilates Teachers – News, Exercises, Video Workshops, Events, Class Ideas, Marketing and PR. Add your email Click here Fitness Business Builder – For building your class numbers, Social media & Digital Marketing Click here Train to Teach Pilates With The Level 3 Pilates Click Here
You can join Elevate LIFT LEAN High Performance 28 Day Programme Click here starting 4th Feb |
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