Hello Welcome To the Kick Start Wellness Newsletter.4 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight.You know what to eat. Here are 4 common reasons. Reason 1 Are you eating healthy meals BUT mindless snacking between meals when you are not hungry? Action. Reason 2 Did you get a good 8 hours of unbroken sleep last night? Action.
Daily exercise is crucial for speeding up your metabolic rate. Burning calories, increasing muscle mass and body composition no forgetting the impact of your mental health. Action
Action I hope that helps. Rachel x Helping `Women 45 +
I am looking for women 45 + to trial the 7 Day Lift Lean On Line Programme.Last week we trialled the 7 Midsection Meltdown and this week I’m looking for women to try the 7 Day LIFT LEAN with the 5:2 Diet.It’s only £15 CLICK HERE to read all about it and you can start today or next week or whenever you want. This is for you if you are 45 +, Struggling to get on track with nutrition and exercise, feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to get the gym or classes, feel you are running out of time every day, have a LOT going on in your life and feel stressed. I am specialising in creating programmes for busy women 45 +
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