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Low Sugar Baking for The Family

Home » Recipe » Low Sugar Baking for The Family

Do you love to fit in some baking over half term but struggle for healthy recipes for the kids?

Check out some of our favourite low sugar recipes, and let us know what you think!



Do you want to join our SUMMER ELEVATE programme?


☀️Starts 3rd June 2019 and it is all online with coaching from Rachel!

☀️The Timetable is as follows:

• Week 1 Back on Track Super Focus
7 Day Super Nutrition plan for weight loss, hormonal balance, gut health and mental cognition.

Workouts Daily 15 minute workouts using Bands and Dumbbells.
*Activation HIIT
*Activation Ab Finisher
*Activation Tabata
*Ultimate Hips Thighs and Glutes
*Activation Arms And Abs

• Week 2 Progress
Building on the foundations of week 1
Goal setting for 7 days
Personalised Nutrition Adaptations
Group Coaching and Community
Fitness Challenges.

15 Minute New Lift Lean Activation Workouts with bands and weights
*Activation Cardio
*Activation Power Strength
*Activation Fitness Pilates
*Full Body activation

• Week 3 Flexible Nutrition To Stay On Track
Behaviour Change,
Mind Set,
Goal setting and planning for week 3

Workouts using Bands and Weights
*Total Body
*Upper Body
*Cardio & Power
*Home Bootcamp

• Week 4 Super Sprinter To Finish
Fine tuning nutrition and health
Daily coaching and motivation.
Habit based nutrition and tracking nutrition
Working out your personalised plan
Stress management strategies for health and wellbeing.

☀️☀️BOOK NOW and transform your Summer CLICK HERE


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