Happy Monday
Workouts, Nutrition & Fitness
How are you?
I sincerely hope you are doing OK & I’d love to invite you to my health and fitness classes and initiatives this week for our mental and physical well being.
Rachel Holmes Health & Fitness Club
Daily Live workout at 8 am, Plus over 250 different workouts, dish of the day, home cooking recipes, meal plans, weight loss, mindset and performance.
Are you a FitPro needing help to go from Physical To Digital?
Join The Supporters Group On Facebook
1:Join My SUPPORTERS group – You Get My “How To Take Your Classes Online” Course and the Sunday Night replay and I do a daily update on pricing, content, tech, filming.
You also get massive bonuses on courses, music and the fastest updates.
For continual updates on digital, marketing, branding and tech join my Facebook Supporters Group This has a £3.49 charge I post multiple times a day helping you with tech, marketing, branding, business building and social media.
Stay positive and if I can help whats app me 07976268672 (not for admin questions)or tag me in the groups.
Have a great week
Love Rachel xxxx
Out with cereal and changing breakfast completely thanks to Lift Lean cookery book and advice. Thank you Rachel
Aerobic workout tomorrow in the garden with socially distanced two clients!