On morning TV they have been discussing the new diet pill under trial in a years time.
Frankly I think this is the LAST THING WE NEED!
With obesity costing £6bn a year there has been a push to find a QUICK FIX and it is believed this pill will trick your body into thinking you are full through releasing chemical signals to your brain. But why would you want to pump your body daily full of chemicals to stop you eating?… we think this is MADNESS!
Clean nutrition, cooking from scratch is the key to balancing hormones not calories and chemicals! It is about empowering people with the right information NOT big pharmaceuticals companies making more BILLIONS of the back of people struggling with obesity issues – the only winner here is BIG PHARMACIES!
Another pill is the LAST thing thing the human race needs –
We need to get off sugar
Focus on 3 meals, loads of veggie and local produce that is not sprayed with pesticides and pumped with hormones
and definitely not another PILL!
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