5 Minute End Of Day Meditation – Brainfit With Rachel Holmes
At the end of a busy day taking 5 minutes to reflect realising all of your wins, feeling gratitude and acknowledging the lessons of the day is a helpful practice to do consistently. If you teach Group Exercise this is an idea for a simple relaxation for the end of your evening class. Hope
Celebrate Body Positivity
Today We Are Celebrating Body Positivity & Confidence. Instead of starting another diet today I DARE you to FREE yourself from the negative mental self chat about reducing the size of your body. Stand STARK naked in front of the mirror and LOVE the beauty of what you see. CHOOSE to eat
Lift Lean With Rachel Holmes April Group Results
After 21 days Lift Lean with Fitness Presenter Rachel Holmes; the results are coming in from the group. Lift Lean is a weight based workout focusing on toning and building strength combined with a 5:2 nutrition programme. For 21 days Rachel Holmes works with a team online to coach and motivate, with new daily workouts,
Gain Greater Confidence and Hit Your Goals
My Top Tip to gaining greater confidence & hitting your goals faster. 1: Confidence comes from gaining more knowledge – keep reading, listening to audios, going to courses. 2: Create a daily/weekly/monthly to do list. Write it in your phone & on paper so you have a daily plan, this will stop you wasting time
“I feel healthier and happier” KSFL West Somerset Testimonial
KSFL Motivation from Heather Pring KSFL West Somerset: “I feel like I’ve been on a diet my whole life and have always struggled with my weight and confidence aswell as my anxiety and OCD. I have tried so many “diets” which have led me to tears…Trying to lose weight can take over your life and