Menopause Part 9 Kick Start Newsletter
Hello Are You Eating Enough Protein In Menopause? As estrogen levels are dropping with the hormonal changes and the metabolic rate is slowing down during the menopause phase, it is helpful to track your macro-nutrients and see if you are eating enough protein. Studies show protein will keep hunger at bay for longer and with
When should I eat carbs?
To Eat Carbs or Not??? It’s the HUGE question that everyone wants to know & dealing with fatloss on a daily basis I’m constantly asked & quizzed on my views. If FAT Loss is your goal – Here are my tips BUT If you are training for a run/triathlon/endurance event your requirements are
Sit Down and be MINDFUL of what is on your plate
Do you eat on-the-go a lot or on your lap? My tip today… EAT AT THE TABLE and be mindful of what you are eating… this will make you appreciate and enjoy your food more. We often end up over piling our plates as we are unaware of what we are eating where as food
Debunking the Myth- Eating at night
One of the most common myths I hear is that “eating at night is bad for you”. We hear this so often that like many things we hear in the media, we believe it to be true. Just like at one point we believed in the “low fat” is better for you myth until
Are you female aged 35 or over?
Are you a female over 35? Do you want more? More cutting edge information on: •Nutrition •Exercise •Sleep •Hormonal Health •Gut Health •Mindset Coaching •Mental Health •Finding your passion •Creating an income online •Personal Development •Business Development •Time Management. •Life hacking •Beauty Treatments and Products •Anti Ageing Treatments and Information •Skin I am creating a
11 tips to Kick Start on a budget
KSFL doesn’t have to cost more money than you normally spend on your weekly shop – in fact it can actually be cheaper, with some forward planning and savvy choices! Here are some ideas, contributed by Kick Starters all over the UK: 1. Plan for the week: Shop & cook in bulk …any leftovers (bits
Kick Start talks Baby and Toddler food
It is the time again to ask our Wellness Stars the question of the week! Once a week we ask our knowledgable Kick Start Franchisees a health and nutrition related question and share their answers with you! This week’s question: “For all the mums here on the group what are your thoughts on healthy baby and
Food and how it affects your mood
Have you been feeling down lately with a lack of energy? It is most likely your diet affecting your mood and energy levels. We are big believers in food for health…the KSFL way of eating can transform your mental health; increasing energy, positivity and relieving anxiety. We have had so many stories from women and
KSFL improving skin conditions
Having suffered with Eczema myself, I understand how diet is so important to skin health. Through the KSFL way of eating I learnt it was dairy that flared up my eczema and now I can control it with the right food that works for me. What is the link between food and skin conditions? Whether your
Diabetes health news- let’s make a change
This morning TV is all about the rise in Type 2 Diabetes as it hits 4 million in the UK. There has been a rise of 65% in people diagnosed in the last decade LARGELY due to obesity. Lorine Burke who suffers from type 2 Diabetes says: “Knowledge is power, I stop and think about