Behind The Scenes Of A KSFL Launch
This week we have had so many brilliant launches so I wanted to share with you what happens behind the scenes: KSFL Redditch Launch Michelle held a great launch with clean food, health and nutrition talks followed by Rachel Holmes Brain Fit Workout see what happened here: KSFL Huddersfield launch We had a great turnout
An interview with Jayne who lost 23 lbs in 5 weeks with KSFL
Jayne from KSFL Huddersfield looks so vibrant and bright after her 5 week transformation; so we thought we would delve a little deeper into how she found KSFL behind the scenes! 1.How was your lifestyle/ diet before KSFL? My lifestyle and diet before KSFL, was far from ideal. I did attend three Zumba classes per week
Jayne lost 23 pounds in five weeks on the KSFL elimination programme
Jayne lost 23 pounds in five weeks on the KSFL elimination programme with Kick Start Huddersfield and looks FANTASTIC! The Kick Start Elimination plan guides you through on a more gentle route… you will still get the results you want but this plan helps you get to grips with each change before moving to the next