KSFL Friday round up 24/6/16
Here at KSFL we are always busy with new projects so on a Friday we like to share what we have been up to and shout about our wonderful Franchisees! KSFL HQ We have been trying out new products, moving mountains with our new KSFL Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire projects and been filming for new projects
Kick Start Friday roundup 20th May 2016
The KSFL Family is always busy with new exciting projects so we want to share with you all the news from the week: Josie Tait KSFL Wigan 2x more weigh and measure days for my challengers… We have ramped things up with an ab challenge week. New ab workout in our group every day
Jay Banks Personal Trainer Of The Year 2016
We are so proud of our very own Kick Start Fat Loss Cambridge Franchisee, Jay Banks, on winning the prestigious Personal Trainer Of The Year award March 2016 at IFS Blackpool. Jay has worked so hard to get where he is today and has accomplished so much, see our interview with him following his award: Tell
Exercise and how it affects your skin
Exercise is so good for you, I don’t need to tell you that, but what effect does this have on your skin? Do you want to know why sometimes you feel glowing after the gym or other times a total mess?! Let me tell you why… The pros and cons PRO – Your complexion gets a
Good fats and bad fats, what is the difference?
What is the difference between the fats? What are good fats and what are bad fats? How much fat should I eat? I bet you have had these thoughts swimming about in your mind if you read my emails and are interested in becoming EMPOWERED ( I love that word) or is it enlightened? or
Artificial sweeteners and their effects on health
Did you watch the TV programme researching artificial sweeteners last night? If so you will already have an idea of what they are all about so here is how we feel about them at Kick Start Fat Loss. Artificial sweeteners are simply put CHEMICALS, however, the argument for them is to fight tooth decay, diabetes and
Bone broth and why YOU should be making it
Bone broth… is it just another fad or are we really getting somewhere with this?! The broth craze isn’t a novelty it is going back to basic times, many cultures from Italian to Vietnamese have these recipes going back far in their history. If you are wondering “why not use a stock cube?” Ken Yamada chef-owner
Diabetes health news- let’s make a change
This morning TV is all about the rise in Type 2 Diabetes as it hits 4 million in the UK. There has been a rise of 65% in people diagnosed in the last decade LARGELY due to obesity. Lorine Burke who suffers from type 2 Diabetes says: “Knowledge is power, I stop and think about
Another pill is the last thing we need
On morning TV they have been discussing the new diet pill under trial in a years time. Frankly I think this is the LAST THING WE NEED! With obesity costing £6bn a year there has been a push to find a QUICK FIX and it is believed this pill will trick your body into thinking
Kick Start Pop Up Diary week 3
Monday 16th Detox The Detox group are looking fantastic and really staying focused wait until Saturday for our final results pictures! Tuesday 17th Bollywood themed night! Firstly we worked out Bollywood style followed by some clean curry for dinner! Everyone had worked up an appetite and the curry went down a treat! Wednesday