Repeat After Me “I Can Do This” Your Weekend Sorted
Today I am arming you with everything you need to get through the weekend from start to finish KSFL style! Saturday Morning 10 minute HIIT 20 secs on 10 secs off Breakfast smoothie/juice Lunch chicken and avocado pasta Dinner cajun turkey salad Tip of the day: Try and get outdoors today whether it be
How can I make healthy choices when eating out?
It is the wellness stars question of the week! This week’s question is “How can I make healthy choices when eating out? “ Sindy Matthews KSFL Banbury Look at the menu online before going to eat. Plan what to have. Call if need be and ask what alternatives they can provide. If they want your
1st December MOTIVATION
I know how HARD December is to stay on track… Christmas parties, family gatherings, cold weather …. the list goes on! YOU CAN DO IT! I have provided you with some ammunition to beat the December binge and stay on track, so keep on posting and checking in on Facebook and letting me know how