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Tag: smoothies

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Why Reduce Your Fizzy Pop And New Fruity Lemonade Recipes

Fizzy drinks such as Coke are associated with higher blood pressure and obesity – they are full of sweeteners and other nasties which make them a no-go on KSFL . So what are the swaps? Rachel Holmes suggests swapping your usual fizzy drinks for “S.Pellegrino” it is the finest sparkling natural mineral water and goes

KSFL Leftover Fridge Favourites

Here is a quick KSFL Leftover Fridge Favourites Blend… You can use your leftover fruit and veg to make a quick breakfast or lunch and by experimenting you will find something you really like! We used: Cucumber Courgette Green Pepper Celery Blueberries Raw Broccoli A squeeze of lime Kick Start Coconut Oil Water I know