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Tag: UK

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KSFL improving skin conditions

Having suffered with Eczema myself, I understand how diet is so important to skin health. Through the KSFL way of eating I learnt it was dairy that flared up my eczema and now I can control it with the right food that works for me. What is the link between food and skin conditions? Whether your

New 10 minute recipes book for the busy person

I am such a busy person I understand just how hard it can be to stay on track and these recipes are some of my personal favourites. My new recipe book is full of quick and easy recipes that take only 10 MINUTES to make! I have packaged it up as an online programme with

Cath joined KSFL after breast cancer and now feels great

Cath joined KSFL Stockport with Paula and now has more energy, lost weight and feels amazing! Hear her story below: . “I started on KSFL in October 2015, on the 16 week plan. In that time I have lost 2 stone and 1/4 lb, I have so much more energy, am sleeping far better and

Where can I eat healthy food out- part two

Following my previous blog on places to eat out I had an influx of questions on other places to visit, so I thought I would make an extended list! Please note menus are updated quite a lot but these were updated on 01/03/2016. As a rule of thumb ask for a gluten free menu (if they have

Simple home made baby food

Do you ever look at what ingredients are in your baby food and think … hmm I wonder if I could make that but BETTER? Well you can… see these simple recipes below and try it for yourself! It is far better to make your baby food from scratch so you know exactly what they

The cereal decline- it’s about time

I am so happy to be reading more and more about the decline in cereal sales. These sugar packed breakfasts are down right unhealthy and finally it is getting through to the masses! Here are some of the reasons why people are ditching the cereals (according to research) and some ideas for quick clean breakfasts

Where can I eat out on KSFL?

It can be hard to eat out with friends/ family when embarking on your KSFL lifestyle. Most restaurants don’t tell you exactly what is in their ingredients so you don’t know what you are eating! I have done a little research on a few restaurants so when you go out you know what you can eat.

Do you want to get back in shape for Spring?

Have you got a holiday planned and want to get in shape? Now spring is in the air are you feeling more active and ready to start a new programme? Join me on my NEW free BODY BLITZ programme for 2 weeks! This programme includes: Workouts, motivation and meal planners.   Jump on board HERE for

Exercise and how it affects your skin

Exercise is so good for you, I don’t need to tell you that, but what effect does this have on your skin? Do you want to know why sometimes you feel glowing after the gym or other times a total mess?! Let me tell you why… The pros and cons PRO – Your complexion gets a

Good fats and bad fats, what is the difference?

What is the difference between the fats? What are good fats and what are bad fats? How much fat should I eat? I bet you have had these thoughts swimming about in your mind if you read my emails 
and are interested in becoming EMPOWERED ( I love that word) or is it enlightened? or